Sole-Guard™ 210cc

Pour-in Pad

Color: Black

Item No: 47160

Set Time: 30 sec.

Sole-Guard 210cc is packaged in an industry standard cartridge and holds 30% more material than prior models, giving you more material for your money.

  • For use as pad/packing material
  • Apply directly to the sole and frog
  • Fast and convenient
  • Bonds to the foot for 2 weeks
  • Provides protection and support
  • Great for providing support for heavy, late term brood mares
  • Temporary protection for horses transitioning from shoes to barefoot
  • Can be used as a thin protective layer on the shod foot

NOTE: Sole-Guard is designed for use without shoes and stays bonded to the feet for 2-3 weeks of light riding (more strenuous riding may shorten this time). This technique is not recommended for use on sore, lame or very thin-soled feet.



Click here to watch application video.


  • Vettec products are best used between 65° and 85° F (18° to 29° C). Temperature will affect the set time.
    See Cold & Hot Conditions below.
  • Areas of wetness or bleeding should not be covered. Once healed, commence using products.
  • Sole-Guard can be applied with the shoe on or off, but will bond to the shoe. A coating of oil or petroleum jelly to the top of shoe will prevent this from occurring. Take care not to get any on the area of the hoof being repaired.
  • Product may not bond to hooves that have been heavily treated with products containing: oils, grease, pine tar, etc. In these stances a light denatured alcohol scrub and drying should be performed to ensure adhesion.
  • The following procedures are best-accomplished wearing latex or rubber gloves.
  • Do not burn or “Hot Shoe” this product.
  • Use only Vettec mixing tips.


  • Failure to keep the hooves, shoes, and product warm will dramatically slow the cure time. Example: At 32° F the initial cure time advances to 2 minutes.
  • Do not microwave the cartridge or place it in water. Store the cartridges in an insulated “cooler” warmed with microwavable heat pads or 1 to 2 tightly capped gallon jugs filled with hot water.
  • In freezing temperatures, 32° F or less, the shoes must be warmed to keep condensation from forming on them and preventing the bond.


  • Product will set very quickly. To slow the set time, if needed store the material in an insulated cooler with 1 or 2 freezer packs.
  • NOTE: During hot weather conditions, product may cure at a higher temperature. If applying close to sensitive tissue, product may be applied in layers to reduce heat.


  1. Open the cartridge. Insert cartridge into dispensing gun.
  2. Before attaching the mixing tip, equalize the cartridge by squeezing out a small amount to ensure that both sides are dispensing evenly.
  3. Attach mix tip by pressing tip on to open cartridge. Secure locking collar over the top of the attached mix tip.
  4. When finished, do not release the pressure with the lever on the back of the dispenser. Remove the mixing tip immediately, discard and apply the cap. Secure the locking collar over the cap to store. The pressure can now be released.
  5. For additional applications, re-equalize the cartridge and attach a new tip.


  1. Trim and balance the hoof and conservatively pare out the sole removing only that sole which will exfoliate in the next 2-3 weeks.
  2. Using a hoof knife trim and clean the frog, bars and commissures. Remove all loose sole and dirt with a wire brush.
  3. Pay special attention to the bars. The bars should not be lying over onto the sole as this could cause a pressure point. If the bars are lying down, trim them back to proper position.
  4. NOTE: Only if hoof is oily, wipe the affected areas with a cloth moistened with denatured alcohol being careful not to saturate the hoof. Do not use acetone!
  5. Have all materials ready (including contouring plastic and prepare the cartridges) before proceeding to the next step.
  6. Holding sole upward dry hoof thoroughly using a heat gun for 30-45 seconds. Do not overheat. Keep heat source approximately 6 inches away from sole. NOTE: All hooves contain natural moisture and must be dried exactly in the manner described above. This step is critical for the product to achieve the appropriate bond to the sole.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE 1 - (Always work on a flat, hard surface if possible)

  1. After drying: hold the hoof as flat and level as possible, place and hold Contouring Plastic (REF #46904) at toe and dispense Sole-Guard at frog allowing material to flow towards the toe.
  2. Fill the foot with Sole-Guard just short of the white line. Do not fill above the level of the wall.
  3. When desired amount of material is applied, firmly press Contouring Plastic over the sole towards the heel creating a slight  “cup” in the Sole-Guard material.
  4. Hold the foot up for 1 minute and then set down on a level surface.
  5. Remove contouring plastic after 10 minutes, peeling from the heel to the toe and trim any excess material with hoof knife.
  6. Leave horse tied up or return to stall for approximately 30-60 minutes, do not turn out right away.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE 2 - (For large feet with deep commissures)

  1. As a “shock absorber” add a thin layer of Equi-Pak, Equi Pak|CS or Equi-Pak|Soft to the commissures before dispensing Sole-Guard onto the sole.  Continue with procedure above.
  2. Continue applying using application procedure 1 above.

NOTE: (Sole-Guard may only bond to the foot for 2-3 days when applied in this manner)

  1. Wire-brush the sole and frog removing all dirt and debris.
  2. Dry the sole and frog using clean rag or towel.
  3. Apply as above using either application procedure 1 or 2.

Sole-Guard Application

  1. Dispense Sole-Guard onto a clean, dry sole.
  2. Use contouring plastic to flatten and smooth material.
  3. Sets in 30 seconds and is weight bearing after 1 min.
  4. Complete foot protection and support.

For professional use only. Keep out of reach of children.


Vettec Sole-Guard Product Introduction
Learn what Sole-Guard is used for
Vettec Sole-Guard Unshod Foot
Properly apply Sole-Guard to an unshod foot.
Vettec Sole-Guard Prep Technique
Properly prepare the hoof for a Sole-Guard application.
Vettec Sole-Guard Relief Technique
This technique shows how to relieve frog pressure when using Sole-Guard.
Introducing Vettec's 210cc Cartridges
The new Vettec 210cc cartridge comes in an industry standard cartridge and holds 30% more material than prior models, giving you more material for your money.


Just a quick thanks for making wonderful products! We live in No. California on a ranch. A lot of this area is laden with rock, mostly volcanic. Working a horse on this type of ground can make them very foot sore. Using traditional pads was ok, but the cavity tended to pack full of debris & cause problems. Using a silicone material to fill the cavity didn't work any better. We started searching for a solution. I had used your products on a barefoot horse that had foundered & I was rehabbing before I moved to this location and really liked them. So I suggested we try the Equi-Pak. While it did help some, the lava rock literally chewed it out of the hoof. I suggested the Sole Guard and HALLELUJAH we have a winner! After shoeing, we cleaned the foot with denatured alcohol & let dry thoroughly. Then we applied the Equi-Pak CS to the frog areas and then filled to the shoe with Sole Guard. Held it up for a minute, applied a foam board & let stand for 5 minutes. This combination has kept out water (we ride through creeks / rivers / irrigated meadows/muck/mud) and stayed in for 8 weeks! Thanks Vettec for a product that works & lasts in really rough country & keeps our horses sound!
Karyn S
Just wanted to say what a huge difference Vettec and Lynne Myers along with Joe Most have made to our foundered mare. She has been uncomfortable for many years! However, when Joe and Lynne came to do a workshop at my home, she became a new horse. They took one look at her and said "Yes, we can help her." She came out of the stall very slowly and painfully. Joe went to work and was very patient with her as she was too sore to stand for any length of time. With the use of Super Fast, Sole Guard and Equi-Pack CS, Joe was able to create 2 "new" hooves on her front end. The process was fascinating to watch! Joe took her toes down and with these 3 products he created what looks like a new sound hoof. With these great products from Vettec our mare is now much more comfortable and will continue to improve with the help of Joe and Lynne. When Joe finished with her, she was led back to the barn and guess what!!! She went back in a voluntary trot!! Yes she did!! And when the halter came off she trotted again and gave a nice little buck and a whinny!!! Have not seen that mare trot or anything for years. What an amazing transformation!! Our mare, Jewels, and I are grateful to Lynne Myers with her knowledge of these fantastic products as well as Joe Most and his knowledge and compassion for all horses. Lynne is not only full of info about these products, she gets right in there and shows you how to use them. Your horse does not have to be lame forever. Get in touch with Lynne and let her show you what products to use and how to apply them. Thanks again and look forward to seeing both Lynne and Joe the end of July to continue working with Jewels.
Jenifer Ravenel
Hi, I wanted to let you know that my horse and I completed 55 miles on rocks with a Superfast custom shoe and a Sole-Guard pad, in Ft. Stanton, NM. We came in second place! This event was an AERC Endurance Ride on extremely hilly, rocky trails in the Capitan Mountains of New Mexico, a long way away and different from the terrain at our home on the Texas Gulf Coast. Thank you Vettec for your products, which allowed me to ride these trails on my barefoot horse! Here are a couple tips we thought we'd share for anyone considering this package for their horse: When applying Sole-Guard after Superfast, use contouring plastic wrap to smooth the Sole-Guard surface, Wear latex gloves to apply Superfast, as it is especially hard to get off skin! Thank you again Vettec!
Cindy K.
Today I had the pleasure of using the new Ultra Vettec Gun for the first time. I had a challenging case of a 17 hand Clydesdale with a quarter crack in his medial heel. The gun was an absolute God send! The molded shoe I used required 7 tubes of Adhere and 2 tubes of Sole-Guard. This would have usually be quite a hard job just dispensing that volume of material but the Ultra Gun made it so easy.
Robert Stevenson


What is Sole-Guard?

Sole-Guard is a fast setting, 30 second, liquid urethane hoof protection material providing a durable, shock absorbent, support that retains its shape and flexibility indefinitely. Sole-Guard is designed for use without shoes and adheres to the sole sealing out moisture and debris, protecting both the frog and the sole. Once removed Sole-Guard will leave the sole in excellent condition.
Click here for product introduction video.

When should I use Sole-Guard?

Sole-Guard is perfect for providing protection for horses without shoes when riding rough terrain, horses transitioning from shoes to bare feet and for late term broodmares who need that extra support.

How long does it take Sole-Guard to set?

Sole-Guard has an initial set time of 30 seconds with a final cure around 5-6 minutes.

How do I remove Sole-Guard from the foot?

You can remove Sole-Guard from the foot by using a hoof pick, or a pair of pull-offs. As the sole grows and exfoliates, the material will loosen up after several weeks.

Can Sole-Guard be filled to ground level?

Sole-Guard should be filled to ground level but not above that point. If filled above ground level, the horse is likely to "catch" the material at the toe and pull it out.  Most often you will want to fill to the white line.

Does Sole-Guard give off heat as it sets?

Sole-Guard gives off little to no heat while curing. In the summer you will notice a bit of heat but nothing that can harm the sole.

Does the material change shape over time?

No, once set Sole-Guard will retain its shape until you remove it.

How long will Sole-Guard stay in the foot?

It all depends on the conditions you are in and the activity level of your horse. On horses that are used regularly, you should be getting 3 weeks on average out of an application.

Can this be used as a "spare tire" on the trail?

Most definitely.  Sole-Guard can be applied to a foot that has thrown a shoe. Simply brush any dirt from the sole, make sure it is dry and apply.  See the application directions for this technique.

How do you apply Sole-Guard to the sole?

Please refer to the application pages on the web site.  It's fast and easy.

Do I have to use the plastic during application?

The use of the Contouring Plastic makes it very easy to see where the material is being spread and it does not stick to the Sole-Guard material.  In a pinch you can use other flexible materials but they will probably adhere to the material and have to be worn off.

Can I use Sole-Guard on a sore-footed horse?

We do not recommend the use of Sole-Guard on a sore-footed horse. Sole-Guard was designed to provide extra protection for a sound-footed horse that is unshod. If your horse is sound and has normal depth of sole, Sole-Guard is perfect. If your horse has very thin soles or is already bruised on the sole we suggest waiting to use Sole-Guard until the bruising has gone away or the sole has thickened up some.